Michigan Achievement Scholarship

The Michigan Achievement Scholarship extends its support to 7 out of every 10 high school seniors in the state of Michigan who complete a FAFSA, offering financial assistance for college or career training programs, with eligible students able to receive up to $27,500 through this initiative.

In collaboration with the state, DistrictWON is working to promote awareness of this exceptional opportunity. Our strategy includes the creation of a digital toolkit community engagement hub, featuring PA announcements, social media content, and other important information. Additionally, we are committed to sustaining monthly communications aimed at fostering widespread awareness of the program.

To streamline our outreach process, we seek your assistance in identifying key Points of Contact (POCs) at your school who are adept at social media engagement and can effectively distribute materials/communications to students and families. By including them in our outreach efforts, we aim to maximize the reach and impact of this campaign. Please add any key individuals by using the form below. Thank you.