Inspiring Ascent: Air Force captain explores career opportunities for Cloverdale High School girls

Cpt. Bianca Santos-Guion initially joined the U.S. Air Force for the free education provided through the Air Force Academy to become a doctor but found that her career path took an unexpected turn.

“My last year in college I changed my mind and decided to be a pilot instead…and it’s been awesome!” she said. “It’s been a bit of a wild ride so far, but I’m living the dream.”

Santos-Guion is currently an instructor pilot at the KC-135 Schoolhouse in Altus, Okla., training the next generation of USAF tanker pilots.

“You learn more about yourself and how you operate in the professional world, and then you figure out how to apply that to build your team/network,” she said of her service experience. “Anytime I move, I ask myself, what was my impact here and is this how I want to be remembered everywhere I go?”

And while Santos-Guion is content in her role within the military, she also acknowledges that challenges exist being one of the few women in the room.

“When I first arrived at MacDill [AFB in Tampa, Fla.], I was the only female pilot in my unit,” she said. “By the time I left in 2021, we had a total of four. It’s challenging to be in an environment where you have a limited amount of interaction with other females, especially when discussions that require different perspectives are being had.”

That is why, Santos-Guion continued, it is so important to speak with young women about the benefits, challenges, and overall possibilities of a career in the Air Force.

“Partnerships with high schools will allow us to spread information and provide a channel for young folks to learn about and understand opportunities they might not have known ever existed,” she said.

Santos-Guion recently visited with the girls’ basketball team and other female student athletes of Cloverdale High School in Cloverdale, Ind., as part of a teamwork-focused leadership program facilitated by Ohio-based marketing firm DistrictWON. The information event engages students in a new way and allows current servicemembers to break through barriers and talk with students about their leadership potential within the military and what it could offer beyond graduation.

“Any time females can be exposed to and shown there are just as many opportunities out there for them the better. This program does that with real life experiences,” said James Wade, athletic director at Cloverdale High School. “Many of our athletes stayed after asking pertinent and specific questions regarding the Air Force and women in the Air Force.”

According to the 2022 Demographics Profile of the Military Community released by the U.S. Department of Defense, the number of service members in all military branches dropped by 2.7 percent over the previous year. However, the percentage of women increased, with those actively serving in the military rising to 17.5 percent from 17.3 percent the year prior and those in the selected reserve rising from 21.4 percent to 21.6 percent over the same period. Since 2005, the percentage of active-duty military women has increased 2.9 percent while the women in the selected reserve has risen by 4.4 percent.

“The sharing of different ideas and experiences is required for change,” Santos-Guion said. “As the world continues to grow and our mindsets change, as the USAF shifts their focus to more complex challenges, we need a diversity of minds to develop strategies for success. What we have done in the past, may not work for us in the present or future. We need to adapt to change and the way to do that is through diversity.”

Sky’s the Limit: Air Force Second Lieutenant visit to Munster High School empowers female students 

2nd Lt. Alexandra Gardner’s decision to join the U.S. Air Force stemmed from her father’s service in the Marine Corps as a Force Reconnaissance sniper and the lifeguard job she held in high school.

“I told him I wanted to do something in the military where I could make an impact on the men like him who were on the ground,” said Gardner, a recent graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. “In conjunction with this, I was a beach lifeguard for a few years in high school. I remember going on rescues and knowing that people would have potentially and probably drowned had I not been there.”

These factors helped Gardner, who is currently awaiting pilot training, realize that she wanted to continue doing work where she could see the difference she was making every day.

However, Gardner said that the underrepresentation of women in the Air Force makes it challenging to encourage diversity of thought and fuels the stereotype that the military is “a man’s world.”

“Every role that a man can do is open to females, including special warfare and combat roles, as long as the female can meet the male standard for these intense jobs,” Gardner said. “The professional and personal growth is limitless but dependent on one’s attitude both in and out of the military.”

Gardner added that speaking to young women about her experiences with and the benefits of military life is invaluable.

Gardner recently visited Munster High School in Munster, Ind., to head a leadership session facilitated by Ohio-based marketing firm DistrictWON. The teamwork-focused program engages students in a new way and allows the Air Force to break through barriers and talk with students about their leadership potential within the military and what it could offer beyond graduation.

“I believe that having partnerships with high schools will show youth that there is no ideal military woman,” she said. “Women in the military are not defined by the military, we are all unique and possess valuable traits that are vital to the armed forces.”

Mike Schultz, athletic director for Munster High School, said Gardner helped break down some of the misconceptions of military service.

“Our student-athletes were nervous at first,” Schultz said. “They really opened up and started asking some great questions that allowed our presenters to tell some great stories and talk about their experiences. A lot of questions were geared towards the day to day of their lives in military service or about being a student at the Air Force Academy.”

Gardner met with roughly 50 female student-athletes from the school’s swimming and diving, track and field, cross country, cheer, dance, softball, volleyball, soccer, wrestling, basketball, tennis, and golf teams.

Schultz added that the messaging Gardner laid out for the students, such as “the grass is greener where you water it” and “even slow progress is still progress,” correlated with the school’s mantra of “getting 1 percent better every day, being a leader, and trusting the process.”

“It is important that our female student-athletes learn about the amazing opportunities that are out there for them,” he said. “Maybe military service is not for them, but it is important to hear about the possibilities in the STEM field for them.”

According to the 2022 Demographics Profile of the Military Community released by the U.S. Department of Defense, the number of service members in all military branches dropped by 2.7 percent over the previous year. However, the percentage of women increased, with those actively serving in the military rising to 17.5 percent from 17.3 percent the year prior and those in the selected reserve rising from 21.4 percent to 21.6 percent over the same period. Since 2005, the percentage of active-duty military women has increased 2.9 percent while the women in the selected reserve has risen by 4.4 percent.

“Integration and diversity result in innovative ways of thought, from challenging conventional thinking to improving unit, group, and wing structure, to mission planning and execution,” Gardner said. “Furthermore, it shows that multiple cultures can unite and work together to achieve a common goal despite having differing belief systems. Lastly, integration and diversity make the individual feel safer to express their opinions which I believe leads to a more efficient Air Force.”